Day 1

What's up guys! Today I'm going to be telling you some of what I did yesterday at school. After breakfast, school was kind of tough, because I have dyslexia and ADHD and I struggle with depression too lately. We started to do my school. We did some reading in Explode the Code. We did about 3-4 pages. That went pretty well. Then we went on to math. My mom gave me a sheet to practice my times tables and I got really frustrated because the problems weren't in order. When I get frustrated and act out, then I get upset with myself for being frustrated and it makes me feel worse and worse. It's a downward spiral. My mom finally told me to take a break. I cooled down, and later that afternoon, I finished the worksheet fairly quickly after I was calm.

Then my dad came home and asked me to go down to camp with him to work. There, he told me I had an appointment to see a counselor that night at 7:00. When he told me that, I felt good because I feel like I need to go. I need help when school gets hard and tough. I need help controlling my emotions.

At the counselors office, my mom and dad filled out some paperwork. My mom and dad asked me some questions and I answered them. Then the counselor called us into a room where we all talked about my struggles. Then my mom and dad left the room. The counselor asked me questions then about the sheet my mom and dad filled out. One question he asked me was what makes me sad. I told him that reading and struggling with dyslexia in school makes me sad. And I also started getting depressed and sad when my best friend moved away last year to Colorado. One of the most important questions he asked me was "what do I do when I get upset or angry?" I said, "I usually start pouting, saying mean things like, "I hate myself. This is horrible. I don't like this. This is stupid." Then he told me about play therapy, and that it can help me with being able to talk more easily to a counselor. We are going to start meeting once a week on Tuesdays.

What I would tell kids like me: 
I would tell them, "Don't give up! Have faith in God, and it's okay to ask for help."


  1. Awesome bud - I sure do love you! Excited to see you grow through this challenge.


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