Day 2

What's up guys? Thanks so much for commenting and liking my post yesterday. That's so kind of you and encouraging to me! Now I'm going to tell you about how school went yesterday. We started off the day with my mom reading aloud to us. We read this really cool book about being good friends with your family, and then we read Kingdom's Edge, a book about the Bible, but if it happened in Knight days. There's a lot of sword fighting, which I like. 

Then we did reading. It was a little hard and slow but we got through it. Then we did math, because remember yesterday math didn't go very well. So we tried something different. I would say my times tables while hopping up the stairs to my room. There 15 steps up, so I would count by 5's times each number all the way to 15. It was fun. I tried to go as fast as I could. My record is like 4 seconds! Okay maybe not, but I was really fast. 

Then we did my math lesson on the computer. I worked my problems on a white board instead of paper, because I could write it as big as I wanted and erase it and use it over and over again. And its something new. 

Now I'm going to tell you what happened to my dog last night. So my dog, Rosie, got sprayed by a skunk! My mom was freaking out, and that made me freak out. And then my mom did this creepy formula with baking soda and peroxide and dish soap. We gave her a bath outside in the freezing cold. Not fun! She had to sleep in the garage. Our house still smells a little bit like skunk.

What I would tell kids like me: 
Keep going! Don't give up! Watch out for skunks! Also, trust your parents because they love you and they give you a roof over your head. 

That's all for today. Thanks guys! 
